Thursday, March 5, 2009

Breaking News:Michelle Obama "Sleeveless"

OK so my oldest daughter, Ashley, told me I have to blog more frequently. I had a hectic day and so I went to her blog and it really made me laugh. What a talent for writing this kid has. It really is a funny situation she is in and I am sure I want the copy rights to her blog.At least, as her mother, I deserve some roylaties since it was my suggestion she go live with the granny!
Anyway is it just me or is our economy in the toilet? Am I the only one with less money and lost most of my small IRA in the stock market? With all this depressing news I am thrilled to see Michelle Obama sleeveless! Wow that is certainly news worthy! She is the new Jackie Kennedy. Sasha & Melia also made the news with a new swing set. I am so thrilled and excited that the Obama's are stimulating our economy by spending. We should all follow suit here is what you need to do:
1. Have a big party and invite Stevie Wonder.
2. Have your research assistant fly to New York to attend fashion week so you can spot new designers, take thier stuff, and bring it back to Michelle. Did I mention she prefers sleeveless outfits?
3. Have a gym built in your home and hire a personal trainer so you can have arms like Michelle Obama, wear sleeveless outfits and you too will be on Good Morning America and the cover of People Magazine. Sorry to the Jolie/Pitt clan who were bumped off this week! They will be back next week unless they opt to do the cover on the Obama girl's new swing set!
4. Back to the Stevie Wonder party purchase a bunch of Kobe beef around $100 a pound (imported from Japan, thier economy also needs stimulation).Invite all the media and your Hollywood friends. Make nice and the next day you will be hailed as the best thing in Washington!
I don't know about you but I am on my way to Target. I am inspired to spend!
What a double standard we have in this counrty. I am going to happy hour!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

Today a friend of mine came to our office for lunch. After much debate over the super tuesday primaries he suggested I start this blog. I am certain that I am not the only one out there who wants to talk about everyday stuff that happens in our lives. That being said, I guess that with the writers strike in full force we are left with the daily politics that now consume all of TV land.
I consider myself a Conserative Reagan Republican and fully support Mitt Romney.
I listen to talk radio and blame them for not coming out of the closet sooner in support of Romney. Where was Rush during the Florida primary? Much has been said about the Cuban-American vote and how we handed the state to McCain. The Washington Post tried to insinuate the Cuban-American vote is a reflection on how we measure the immigration laws.
This could not be further from the truth. What you had in Florida was a moderate conservative, Charlie Crist, a disturbing Mel Martinez, come out in full support of McCain. Where was Jeb Bush? The Cuban-American voters were told lies that Romney supported a time table for pull out of Iraq. They were told of McCains impressive POW back ground and his stance against Communism. Well folks that's all it took. Where was Romney during all this?
The liberal media is in love with McCain and so we heard nothing. See this comes from experience. I am Cuban-American and I am for enforcing the border and I am fully against getting in bed with Ted Kennedy. The thought makes me sick! So don't go out there you liberals, especially the Washington Post, and for one minute try to reason that McCain won in Florida becuase of his stance on immigration.
I hope that Romney wins big today. The polls are wrong.